May Garden Guide

Gardening Guide for May in the Pacific Northwest: 🌱 Embrace the Bounty of Spring 🌼

As April showers fade away, May heralds the arrival of warmer days and longer sunshine hours in the Pacific Northwest. It's an exciting time for gardeners as we transition from the last frost and into the heart of the growing season. With the soil warming up and the threat of frost waning, it's the perfect opportunity to sow a diverse array of crops, from vibrant vegetables and herbs to enchanting flowers. Here's your detailed gardening guide for May in the PNW.

Outdoor Sowing:

Nightshade Family: Potatoes

Potatoes, the staple of many gardens, can be sown directly into the soil this month. Choose from a variety of potato types to suit your culinary preferences and garden space. Whether you opt for classic russets or colorful fingerlings, May is the time to get them in the ground.

Onion Family: Chives, Leeks

For a burst of oniony goodness, sow chives and leeks outdoors this month. These versatile herbs add flavor to countless dishes and are a delightful addition to any garden bed or container.

Carrot Family: Carrots, Carraway, Parsnips

Get your root vegetables started by sowing carrots, carraway, and parsnips directly into the garden soil. These nutritious crops thrive in the cool spring weather, developing into tasty treats for your kitchen later in the season.

Mustard Family: Brussels Sprouts, Collards, Radishes

From crunchy radishes to hearty collard greens, the mustard family offers a bounty of options for May sowing. Plant Brussels sprouts for a delicious fall harvest or enjoy the peppery flavor of radishes in salads and sandwiches throughout the summer.

Sowing Under Cover:

Mint Family: Basil

While mint and basil can be sown directly outdoors, starting them under cover can give them a head start and ensure a more robust harvest. These aromatic herbs thrive in warm, sunny conditions, making them ideal candidates for pots, raised beds, or garden borders.

Squash Family: Cucumber, Pumpkins, Squash

To enjoy a bumper crop of summer and fall squash, consider starting cucumber, pumpkins, and squash indoors this month. These prolific plants appreciate warm soil and plenty of sunlight, so providing them with a cozy spot indoors until the weather warms up is a wise choice.

Flowers to Sow Outdoors:

Figwort Family: Slipperwort (Calceolaria chelidonioides)

Add a splash of color to your garden with the charming slipperwort. With its distinctive slipper-shaped blooms, this Figwort family member is sure to attract attention from pollinators and passersby alike.

Caper Family: Spiderflower (Cleome spinosa)

For a touch of whimsy, sow spiderflower seeds outdoors this month. These tall, graceful plants produce clusters of spidery blooms in shades of pink, purple, and white, adding height and drama to your flower beds.

Nightshade Family: Butterfly Flower (Schizanthus x Wisetonensis)

With its delicate, butterfly-like flowers, the butterfly flower is a must-have for any PNW garden. Sow seeds outdoors in May for a summer display of colorful blooms that will brighten your garden and attract beneficial insects.

May in the Pacific Northwest is a time of abundant growth and endless possibilities in the garden. By sowing a diverse range of crops and flowers, you can create a vibrant and productive outdoor space that will delight your senses and nourish your body and soul throughout the season. Happy gardening!


Embracing Earthy Energies


April Garden Guide